The Adventures of Hockey Todd
“The Adventures of Hockey Todd” is an inspirational children’s book based on a true story of a young amputee boy who overcame adversity while pursuing his passion of becoming a hockey player. This book is intended for school age children, teachers and parents to promote anti-bullying, equality, inclusion, encouragement, teamwork, role models and dreams.
This book teaches children the formula: Dreams=Superhero; encouraging and establishing pathways to help them identify and pursue their own passions. Hockey Todd’s message: “Believe in your dreams even when they seem impossible, free your superhero and you will unstoppable.”
About the Narration
Hall of Fame Songwriter Carl Knight and son Denny make it a family affair as “The Adventures of The Adventures of Hockey Todd” leaps off its pages and comes to life. From start to finish utilizing Carl’s soothing tone and skillful vocal inflections, Producer Denny Knight brilliantly sets the scene and paints a picture.
To capture and hold each child’s attention Denny, wife Rose, grandchildren Shayla and Jackson Smith, as well as Jeff and Amber Williams showcased their talents, bringing the characters to life, ensuring the story would be relatable and entertaining.
The narration of “The Adventures of Hockey Todd” has had a profound effect on my abilities to educate children about the effects of bullying. Your contribution has made an impact on so many kids lives. I think you for your time and God for your talent! THANK YOU CARL!
Listen to Carl read “The Adventures of The Adventures of Hockey Todd” here »
Check out what these kids in Alaska suggest other kids do!
“The Adventures of Hockey Todd Teacher Edition”: $19.99 plus shipping and handling; The Teacher Edition was co-written by Todd Pasick and Mary Kuzawa, a Special Education teacher from Michigan. Todd’s life experiences, education and professional skills, along with Mary’s educational background, provided a collaborative resource to compliment the book. This spiral bound Teacher Edition includes a variety of content area lesson plans, puzzles, coloring pages, student forms, posters, as well as a copy of “The Adventures of Hockey Todd” book.